Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Return of the Pain

Today in Biology Lecture, I learnt about parasites and how they causes diseases. Such disgusting creatures, they are. Some of them grows in your intestines, some have both the male and female sex organs (transvestite?!?!)

No, you're not looking at some sort of Sotong. They're Roundworms that had burst out of the human intestine. Cool eh?


Went back to see the Chinese Sensei last this evening. After the acupunture, he flexed and extended my knee.

Oh man... It still hurts like hell...

In the previous visit he inserted a needle into my knee to draw out all the clotted blood. ‘十六号针’ is what I heard him telling his assitant to take. I think is the same size as the 16 gauge cannula that use.


Dunno if I'll get addicted to that kinda pain...


Hope I can fully recover when my attachment starts...

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